U.S. state capitals83 played - 1 yr ago
For a change, how about finding the names of the capital cities of the United States? expert
U.S. state capitals83 played - 1 yr ago
For a change, how about finding the names of the capital cities of the United States? expert
Self-portraits by the greatest painters82 played - 1 yr ago
An easy quiz in which you find the name of a famous painter from their self-portrait and the title of one of their major works. expert
Rivers and countries82 played - 10 mths ago
A quiz on the world's rivers. Questions 1 to 5: find the country not crossed by the cited river. Questions 6 to 10: find… expert
Advent calendar: December 5, 2022!82 played - 1 yr ago
Hello everyone! For this month of December 2022, I'm going to offer you a quiz a day! Think of it as a chocolate advent… expert
Video game logos81 played - 1 yr ago
Are you a pro at finding out which studio this logo belongs to? expert
Hermione or Ginny?81 played - 11 mths ago
What are the differences between Hermione and Ginny? This quiz will help you find out! expert
The characters of Le Petit Nicolas80 played - 1 yr ago
Do you know all the characters in Le Petit Nicolas? If you think so, take this quiz. expert
Le binoclard : General culture80 played - 11 mths ago
Answer the questions and beware of the nerd. expert
Violetta: the cast79 played - 1 yr ago
We need the names of the main actors in the "Violetta" series. expert