5 Kingdoms16.5 k played - 11 yrs ago
Classify these living things depending on its right kingdom : Animal - Plant - Fungi - Monera - Protista medium
Touristic Places in London315 played - 13 yrs ago
Let's learn things and many places about London. medium
Beneficial or Harmful?713 played - 11 yrs ago
Some Microorganisms can be Beneficial (good for us) or Harmful ( they cause disease) medium
Food62 played - 13 yrs ago
Let's learn some basic diary products, fruit & vegetables, meat & fish, sweets & products made of flour, drinks... medium
Comparatives Fun Facts297 played - 8 yrs ago
Let's learn about Cultural Facts and practise the Comparatives! hard
Let's Practise the Colours!40 played - 13 yrs ago
You will be able to review the main colours in English and how they are written. medium
School Material25 played - 13 yrs ago
Let's learn some basic vocabulary related to schools... medium