What's the right price? (2)61 played - 6 mths ago
A second quiz based on Vincent Lagaf''s game. Are the 10 items more or less expensive than the suggested price? As in the… expert
Paintings by Claude Monet61 played - 1 yr ago
Find the titles of these paintings by the great Impressionist master! expert
Capital or not? 260 played - 1 yr ago
I'll quote you a city: it's up to you to find out whether it's the capital of a country or not. expert
Can you locate these towns? ( 103 )60 played - 1 yr ago
In which region or department are the following 10 communes located? expert
General culture... !60 played - 1 yr ago
Around a specific theme! Test your knowledge of general culture. (art, cinema, literature, geography, history, sport...) expert
Yes or no quiz? (39)59 played - 10 mths ago
For each question, answer "yes" or "no". Good luck! expert
Ligue1 2010-201159 played - 6 mths ago
If you know a thing or two about soccer, this quiz is for you! expert
An easy Halloween quiz59 played - 11 mths ago
Just because we're a few weeks away from Christmas, I think it's funny to do a Halloween quiz. Bonne Chance. expert