Which puppet were they in the Bebete Show? (1)106 played - 11 mths ago
I'll give you the name of a politician, and it's up to you to find his puppet in the Bebete Show. expert
Which puppet were they in the Bebete Show? (1)106 played - 11 mths ago
I'll give you the name of a politician, and it's up to you to find his puppet in the Bebete Show. expert
Harry Potter characters in POP106 played - 5 mths ago
It's up to you to find the name of the character in the picture. expert
My favorite manga characters106 played - 1 yr ago
Some of my favorite male manga characters. expert
Harry Potter: Albus Dumbledore105 played - 1 yr ago
Tough questions about the greatest sorcerer of his time. expert
True/false about the Pokemon universe105 played - 1 yr ago
What do you know about Pokemon? Quiz dedicated to two fans of this anime: Lirik999 and Thrudon. Good luck! expert
U.S. state capitals104 played - 1 yr ago
I'll give you the name of the capital and you have to find its state. expert
One Piece characters (4)104 played - 1 yr ago
How well do you know the One Piece characters? If not, take this quick quiz. expert