True or false about "Harry Potter128 played - 1 yr ago
True or false about the "Harry Potter" universe. Are you a good wizard? expert
Whose eyes are those (Naruto)?127 played - 1 yr ago
Guess whose eyes these Naruto characters have. expert
Stranger Things127 played - 11 mths ago
Stranger Things adventure series. If you take this test and don't get any correct answers, you don't know a thing about Stranger… expert
Is it a character from 'Naruto' or 'Dragon Ball'? - (1)127 played - 1 yr ago
In which manga are these characters? expert
MCU villains127 played - 3 mths ago
You'll be given a photo of a villain from the MCU (Marvel movies) and the name of its (famous) interpreter, and you'll have… expert