Who is it (Stranger Things version)112 played - 1 yr ago
I'm showing you an image of a character from the "Stranger Things" series, now it's up to you to tell me which character… expert
Let's go to Serdaigle!112 played - 1 yr ago
"If you are wise and thoughtful, Serdaigle may welcome you, there are erudites, who want to know everything! " [Excerpt… expert
How well do you know the Harry Potter saga?112 played - 6 mths ago
Discover your knowledge of the world of the famous Harry Potter in this quiz. Enjoy the quiz! expert
Who played in what 1 (Marvel special)?112 played - 1 yr ago
I quote a film, and you say who starred in it. But be careful, there may be more than one answer. expert
Male first names in film titles112 played - 1 yr ago
Find the title of the film by completing with the correct first name. expert
Les Douze Coups de midi112 played - 18 days ago
Test your knowledge of the TV game show "Les Douze Coups de midi". Good luck to all. medium
Sexy no jutsu naruto112 played - 1 yr ago
Try to guess who's turned into a girl, it's very easy! expert
The cartoon pigs112 played - 2 yrs ago
Do you know the pigs (and apparent animals) appearing in cartoons? expert
Realmon or fakemon111 played - 1 mth ago
The ultimate test to see if you're a true Pokemon master. medium
Stranger Things' quiz - Seasons 1 to 4111 played - 10 mths ago
Here's a Stranger Things quiz I hope you like! expert
Do you know Monster High ?111 played - 7 yrs ago
Do you know Clawdeen, Frankie Stein? Well try this quiz and you will know. medium