How well do you know Pikachu?110 played - 7 mths ago
Here's a quiz on Pokemon and, more specifically, Pikachu. expert
Water pokemons110 played - 1 yr ago
Whether it's Poissoroy, Lumineon, Suicune or Milobellus, we know it's water! We wish you good luck! expert
True/false Harry Potter facts (4)110 played - 1 yr ago
I hope you'll learn more in Part 4, and I wish you the best of luck. expert
Anime: character quiz110 played - 1 yr ago
This quiz is only about the following anime: "Nanatsu no Taizai", "My Hero Academia", "One Punch Man" and "Demon Slayer". expert
Stranger Things, season 3110 played - 5 mths ago
Just a few weeks after the release of Stranger Things season 3, I've got a quiz for you... Good luck! expert
Famous films : Harrison Ford110 played - 8 mths ago
You're going to have a photo of Harrison Ford from a famous film, and you'll have to find out what it's called. He was born… expert
Famous films : Christian Clavier110 played - 10 mths ago
You'll have a photo of Christian Clavier from a famous film, and you'll have to find the title of the film. He was born on… expert
Wednesday Addams or Enid Sinclair?110 played - 4 mths ago
Tenebrous, sadistic Wednesday or her tiny roommate Enid? expert
"Harry Potter: the houses of Hogwarts109 played - 1 yr ago
You'll go to Gryffindor if you're strong and brave. Sardaigle if you're erudite, intelligent and curious. Hufflepuff might… expert