Harry Potter: the characters83 played - 1 yr ago
I propose you pictures of the different characters and you have to tell me who is who! expert
Denki Kaminari83 played - 1 yr ago
Do you really know this character from the manga "My Hero Academia"? expert
Harry Potter 1 book83 played - 1 yr ago
A quiz on the book of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Please note that the book and the film are not the same! expert
Do you know manga?83 played - 1 yr ago
This quiz is based on the following mangas: - One Piece - Naruto - Demon Slayer - MHA - Dragon Ball expert
MARVEL movies83 played - 7 mths ago
For all fans of the greatest Marvel movies, come and test yourself! expert
Puppets on TV!82 played - 1 yr ago
Puppets in TV series and cult shows. Good luck to you all. expert
Disney quiz82 played - 2 mths ago
This quiz is about Disney. It can be about anything from princesses to Disney history. expert