From which universe is this superhero?12 played - 7 yrs ago
Try and figure out to which universe belongs each superhero. easy
From which universe is this superhero?12 played - 7 yrs ago
Try and figure out to which universe belongs each superhero. easy
Algerian film makers11 played - 14 yrs ago
Legend of algerian cinema (Oscar, palme d'or, tanit d'or, gazelle d'or, épée d'or, médaille d'or, ... ) hard
How well do you know DC Titans?70 played - 2 yrs ago
Take this quiz to find out how well you know DC Titans, this famous American series released on Netflix. easy
Fairy Tail : true or false ?11 played - 4 yrs ago
Little true or false on Fairy Tail, manga by Hiro Mashima. medium
Friends - You're Fired4 played - 6 yrs ago
Visit www.EnglishSnippets.com to watch the video and complete the English learning lesson. medium
Friends - Chandler Quits the Gym4 played - 6 yrs ago
Visit www.EnglishSnippets.com to watch the video and complete the English learning lesson. medium
Would you be a good warrior cat?9.7 k played - 10 yrs ago
Would you be a good warrior cat or a kitty pet? medium
Twilight 1681 played - 15 yrs ago
It's my first quizz, i will start with easy ones, then gradually to the more difficult enjoy! medium