Star Academy 2023: the students91 played - 2 mths ago
Do you know the Star Academy class of 2023? expert
Point Break (2015)161 played - 9 yrs ago
This is a quiz about the new remake of "Point Break". If you have seen the movie, it should not be difficult. hard
How well do you know "My Hero Academia"?205 played - 1 yr ago
Oh my... My Hero Academia ! A very famous manga, but not sure if someone can make a perfect score on this quiz ! expert
Do you know "Captain Marvel"?80 played - 7 mths ago
In this quiz, I'm going to ask questions about the movie "Captain Marvel"! expert
Actors and actresses from Marvel movies92 played - 1 yr ago
You have to find out which actors or actresses have played in the Marvel movies! expert