Harry Potter: Who am I?113 played - 1 yr ago
Our photographer Bozo is still an apprentice and has trouble framing his photos... expert
Harry Potter: Who am I?113 played - 1 yr ago
Our photographer Bozo is still an apprentice and has trouble framing his photos... expert
Reading Festival 20154 played - 9 yrs ago
Find the title of the book that matches with the picture! : ) hard
Harry Potter, LRDF, GDCP or LGDC?97 played - 1 yr ago
Harry Potter, Kingdoms of Fire, Clan Wars or Guardians of the Lost Cities? expert
Animals in literary titles94 played - 11 mths ago
Literature can't help you walk, but it can help you breathe. expert
The Sun Also Rises Trivia76 played - 11 yrs ago
This is a trivia type game on a novel that I have read. medium
Harry Potter: pass your BUSE126 played - 1 yr ago
You're in 5th year... it's time for your BUSE. You obtain 12/12: optimal 10 to 11: exceptional effort 7 to 9: acceptable … expert
Youth Read OMNIBUS Quiz51 played - 13 yrs ago
A compilation of questions submitted by Calgary Teens to the CPL Youth Read program. hard
Romeo and Juliet Quiz48 played - 10 yrs ago
Take this Quiz to find out how much you know about Romeo and Juliet hard