Quizz NBA 2018120 played - 1 yr ago
Test your knowledge of the NBA (Quiz that stops at the 2018 NBA Finals). expert
World Cup 2018120 played - 1 yr ago
Have you been following the World Cup qualifiers and draws? Prove it now with this short and effective quiz. expert
True or False: The Equestrian World119 played - 1 yr ago
It's easy ! Answer by True or False on this theme: horse riding, horses and the equestrian world! expert
Soccer: who is in the picture?117 played - 1 yr ago
Find the player on the picture (Think to click on the pictures to see them better) expert
The 30 nominees for the Ballon d'Or 2024117 played - 5 mths ago
Can you recognize the 30 players nominated for the Ballon d'Or 2024? Tell me who you think will win the Ballon d'Or! expert
Who is this soccer player?115 played - 12 mths ago
Find the most famous soccer players with the photos. expert
Who is it? ( Foot )115 played - 1 yr ago
There's a photo of a player and you have to find his name. expert