Flags that look alike (1)102 played - 15 days ago
I'll give you a country to click on its flag. expert
Flags that look alike (1)102 played - 15 days ago
I'll give you a country to click on its flag. expert
Quiz on everything I love72 played - 17 days ago
Take this quiz and you'll guess everything I love, from animals to movies. expert
8 Hokages, 8 questions83 played - 18 days ago
Do you really know the Hokages of Konoha village? expert
Pokemon ( 3 )51 played - 18 days ago
Here's another quiz on Pokemon's most famous trainer ... medium
An image for an answer (1)138 played - 19 days ago
Look closely at the clue image and guess the answer. Good luck! expert
A little math (3)133 played - 19 days ago
Among the following numbers, can you tell if it's a prime or a multiple? expert
Basic Mathematics6 played - 20 days ago
Here is some maths to just make sure your brain is functionning properly ! medium
Flags that look alike (2)85 played - 20 days ago
I give you a country, it's up to you to find its flag. expert