Are you a Harry Potter fan?71 played - 11 mths ago
Are you a true Harry fan? That's what we're going to see, little muggles! expert
Harry Potter Quiz69 played - 2 yrs ago
Harry Potter needs to Safe the whole school from the Voldemort. medium
Harry Potter or Star Wars67 played - 11 mths ago
I'm a Harry Potter fan. So I decided to give you a quiz! My favorite character is Luna Lovegood and I love squirrels! expert
Harry Potter Quiz66 played - 11 yrs ago
Think you know everything there is to know about Harry Potter? Well test your knowledge on this quiz. medium
Harry Potter: Which film does this image correspond to?66 played - 5 mths ago
The aim is simple: just match the images to the right films! expert
Are you familiar with Guardians of the Lost Cities, Harry Potter and Star Wars?65 played - 1 yr ago
How well do you know Guardians of Lost Cities, Harry Potter and Star Wars? Take this quiz to find out. expert
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix63 played - 12 mths ago
Do you think you know everything there is to know about Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix? Find the answer in this… expert
How well do you know Hermione Granger?62 played - 8 mths ago
Hermione Granger is part of the Golden Trio and a very famous character in the Harry Potter saga. Take this quiz to find… expert
The cast of Twilight, Pirates of the Caribbean61 played - 1 yr ago
Which of these sagas do these actors belong to? expert