How well do you know Fleur Delacour?121 played - 6 mths ago
Fleur Delacour is a character who takes part in the 3 Wizards Tournament, comes from another school and is very cool! expert
How well do you know Fleur Delacour?121 played - 6 mths ago
Fleur Delacour is a character who takes part in the 3 Wizards Tournament, comes from another school and is very cool! expert
Are you a real Hogwarts wizard?120 played - 12 mths ago
We'll see if you're real wizards so you can get into Hogwarts School. expert
"Harry Potter" or "Star Wars"? 3117 played - 1 yr ago
It's up to you to find the right series! Good luck! expert
Harry Potter, the dead117 played - 5 mths ago
Find out about the deaths of famous characters from the ''Harry Potter'' saga expert
Let's go to Serdaigle!112 played - 1 yr ago
"If you are wise and thoughtful, Serdaigle may welcome you, there are erudites, who want to know everything! " [Excerpt… expert
How well do you know the Harry Potter saga?112 played - 5 mths ago
Discover your knowledge of the world of the famous Harry Potter in this quiz. Enjoy the quiz! expert
Eyes in Harry Potter111 played - 1 yr ago
Can you recognize the eyes of the characters in "Harry Potter"? There's also the "Mouths in Harry Potter" quiz. expert
True/false Harry Potter facts (4)110 played - 1 yr ago
I hope you'll learn more in Part 4, and I wish you the best of luck. expert
Who is it ( Harry Potter )110 played - 3 mths ago
How well do you know the Harry Potter characters? expert
"Harry Potter: the houses of Hogwarts109 played - 1 yr ago
You'll go to Gryffindor if you're strong and brave. Sardaigle if you're erudite, intelligent and curious. Hufflepuff might… expert