Violent deaths at Disney12 played - 4 yrs ago
Did you think that in the wonderful world of Disney all was love, emotion and adventure ? Nay ! Here is a macabre quiz on… medium
Violent deaths at Disney12 played - 4 yrs ago
Did you think that in the wonderful world of Disney all was love, emotion and adventure ? Nay ! Here is a macabre quiz on… medium
Disney Villains Get Together !6 played - 4 yrs ago
A small reunion of the villains and villains of the wonderful world of Disney ... Why so ?, To decide the fate of little… hard
Lab Rats (Disney XD Channel 304)1.1 k played - 11 yrs ago
It's all about, Adam, Bree, Chase and Leo medium
Guess The Disney TV Show1.7 k played - 10 yrs ago
Try to guess which television show goes with what information medium
Very Hard Lion King 2 Simba's Pride Quiz671 played - 10 yrs ago
A hard quiz of the 1998 Disney film medium
Disney Princess Avengers169 played - 1 yr ago
The Avengers version of the Disney princesses. expert
True or False (Disney)160 played - 10 mths ago
This "true or false" is perhaps the first of a long series. expert
Gender bender (2)150 played - 7 mths ago
Manga/anime, Disney and Marvel characters have changed gender. Try to identify them and find out which universe they belong… expert