Marvel heroes for dummies94 played - 1 yr ago
An extremely simple quiz where all you have to do is find out which hero or heroine corresponds to the image given. expert
Marvel heroes for dummies94 played - 1 yr ago
An extremely simple quiz where all you have to do is find out which hero or heroine corresponds to the image given. expert
Who are these Marvel and DC characters?91 played - 7 mths ago
In this quiz, you'll try to find the names of Marvel and DC characters. expert
Wonder Woman (2017)90 played - 1 yr ago
Have you watched the Wonder Woman movie? Test yourself now to see if you've got it all right. expert
The Marvel Cinematic Universe90 played - 1 yr ago
The MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) is a universe in which some twenty superheroes from the Marvel comics evolve. Are you… expert