A little math (3)133 played - 19 days ago
Among the following numbers, can you tell if it's a prime or a multiple? expert
Science and nature: Science (3)131 played - 1 yr ago
A general knowledge quiz on science: mathematics, chemistry, physics, medicine... expert
Mathematics129 played - 1 yr ago
Do you know mathematics? Test your general knowledge! Sheets allowed! expert
Science and Nature: Science (1)129 played - 1 yr ago
A general knowledge quiz on science : Mathematics, chemistry, physics, medicine... expert
The logical continuation125 played - 1 yr ago
A quiz with number sequences... allergic to mathematics, don't worry, this quiz requires logic, not a doctorate in mathematics... expert
Operations level 1 quiz121 played - 2 mths ago
Test your mathematical knowledge with this quiz! Don't bring your calculator! expert
Maths ludiques level 6e109 played - 1 yr ago
10 short questions inspired by the FSJM competitions.https://homepage.hispeed.ch/FSJM /Cliquer on the images to enlarge. expert