The logical continuation 367 played - 1 yr ago
A quiz even more difficult than the previous ones... with less maths and more logic... but you have to look far enough...… expert
General knowledge63 played - 7 yrs ago
Test your general knowledge through maths, science, English and history. Explore the inner you. hard
A little bit of mathematics61 played - 1 yr ago
This quiz is perfect if you are a mathlete or if you want to get some math into your head. Maybe from now on, your opinion… expert
Mathematics60 played - 1 yr ago
Mental calculation: Can you mentally calculate the table of 11 with 2 digits? The goal is to be the fastest. expert
Maths : Operations sequence58 played - 7 mths ago
Revision of 5th grade courses. Have a good quiz! expert
Maths and you make 2!52 played - 1 yr ago
Would you be able to take the second quiz on Mathematics ... expert