European Football Championship122 played - 1 yr ago
History of the European Football Championship expert
European Football Championship122 played - 1 yr ago
History of the European Football Championship expert
Ten questions for a champion - Stade brestois 29122 played - 23 days ago
Do you know SB29? We'll see... hard
Transfers for the 2007-2008 season121 played - 1 yr ago
This quiz will help soccer fans find out how much they know about transfers. expert
World Cup 2018120 played - 1 yr ago
Have you been following the World Cup qualifiers and draws? Prove it now with this short and effective quiz. expert
The 30 nominees for the Ballon d'Or 2024117 played - 5 mths ago
Can you recognize the 30 players nominated for the Ballon d'Or 2024? Tell me who you think will win the Ballon d'Or! expert
Who is it? ( Foot )115 played - 1 yr ago
There's a photo of a player and you have to find his name. expert
Who is this soccer player?115 played - 12 mths ago
Find the most famous soccer players with the photos. expert
Who is it? (special footballers)113 played - 1 yr ago
For those wondering, I'm not a soccer fan. But take this test anyway, because I'm doing it for you soccer fans. expert