Classic Sport 10 QUESTIONS Q1. Jim Courier is a :A) Football playerB) Tennis playerQ2. In which sport did Paul Nicolas excel?A) TennisB) FootballQ3. This American plays...A) TennisB) Football Classic Tennis or soccer? by Sosophiex 83 played - 1 yr ago Is he a footballer or a tennis player? QUIZ 10 QUESTIONS - Sport Sosophiex expert
Classic Sport 13 QUESTIONS Q1. If the server misses his first service, he gets a second service ball :A) TrueB) FalseQ2. Clay is the only existing playing surface:A) TrueB) FalseQ3. What is Roger Federer's nationality?A) BelgianB) SwissC) FrenchD) German Classic Tennis! by Marcsinanwinrow 75 played - 1 yr ago Here are thirteen questions about tennis... QUIZ 13 QUESTIONS - Sport Marcsinanwinrow expert
Classic Sport 10 QUESTIONS Q1. Who is this beautiful tennis woman?A) Serena WilliamsB) Maria SharapovaC) Ana IvanovicQ2. Who is this beautiful tennis woman?A) Mary PierceB) Serena WilliamsC) Anna KournikovaQ3. Who is this beautiful tennis woman?A) Jelena DokicB) Daniela HantuchovaC) Ana Ivanovic Classic Tennis Women by Good 354 played - 16 yrs ago Who are these beautiful tennis women? QUIZ 10 QUESTIONS Good medium
Classic Sport 26 QUESTIONS Q1. Who is the current world No. 1 in the ATP ranking (August 2017) ?A) DjokovicB) NadalC) MurrayQ2. Who was the world's No. 1 when the ATP World Rankings were created in the 1970s ?A) NewcombeB) NastaseC) WashD) QuatreQ3. Who became the World Number one in 1991 ?A) BeckerB) AgassiC) Kuerten Classic The legends of world tennis by Julien 3 played - 4 yrs ago The 26 tennis players who have been ranked number 1 in the world since the ATP ranking came into being (1973) QUIZ 26 QUESTIONS Julien medium
Classic Sport 5 QUESTIONS Q1. Who is it ?A) Elena DementievaB) Dinara safinaQ2. Who is it ?A) Maria sharapovaB) Serenna sharapovaQ3. Who is it ?A) Venus WilliamsB) Serena Williams Classic Champions of Tennis 2 by NesnousB 31 played - 15 yrs ago Women QUIZ 5 QUESTIONS NesnousB medium
Classic Sport 7 QUESTIONS Q1. How do you hold a tennis racket?A) With your left handB) With your right handC) Like if you were shaking someone's handD) None of the aboveQ2. What is it called when the server steps over the service line?A) ErrorB) Foot FaultC) MarkD) Docked pointQ3. What is "deuce" in tennis?A) A tieB) ZeroC) LoveD) All of the above Classic Tennis Quiz by Agrundy2006 15 played - 8 yrs ago QUIZ 7 QUESTIONS Agrundy2006 hard
Classic Sport 7 QUESTIONS Q1. Which Indian cricketer has been appointed by World Sport Group (WSG) to its player management division?A) Sachin TendulkarB) Gautam GambhirC) MS DhoniQ2. Which Tennis player won the Pan Pacific Tennis Tournament in Tokyo?A) Maria SharapovaB) Serena WilliamsC) Saina MirzaQ3. Which Formula One Champion has joined Ferrari Team for the 2010 Season?A) Lewis HamiltonB) Jenson ButtonC) Fernando Alonso Classic Sports by Iplfreak 513 played - 15 yrs ago Sports Quiz.India.Asia.Australia.Cricket.Tennis.Foot ball.F1.Ferrari.ICC QUIZ 7 QUESTIONS Iplfreak hard
Classic Sport 10 QUESTIONS Q1. Jim Courier is a :A) Football playerB) Tennis playerQ2. In which sport did Paul Nicolas excel?A) TennisB) FootballQ3. This American plays...A) TennisB) Football Classic Tennis or soccer? by Sosophiex 83 played - 1 yr ago Is he a footballer or a tennis player? QUIZ 10 QUESTIONS Sosophiex expert
Classic Sport 13 QUESTIONS Q1. If the server misses his first service, he gets a second service ball :A) TrueB) FalseQ2. Clay is the only existing playing surface:A) TrueB) FalseQ3. What is Roger Federer's nationality?A) BelgianB) SwissC) FrenchD) German Classic Tennis! by Marcsinanwinrow 75 played - 1 yr ago Here are thirteen questions about tennis... QUIZ 13 QUESTIONS Marcsinanwinrow expert