Top Quizzes : The most popular quizzes (received rates, nb of times played, challenged, printed, ...). |
12 words beginning with Cha!103 played - 1 yr ago
A tribute to a friend! The photos are for decorative purposes only! expert
Around the philosophers (1): Plato103 played - 2 days ago
10 questions about Plato, for you to answer. expert
Geography - Will you get 100%? [6]103 played - 1 yr ago
Do you think you are an expert in this field? expert
How well do you know the characters in "Demon Slayer"?149 played - 6 mths ago
Each character is special in "Demon Slayer", so it's up to you to decide whether you know them well or not! PS : write your… expert
North African Capitals2.9 k played - 17 yrs ago
This is a quiz to learn the capitals of twelve of the North African Countries. medium