Classic Quiz Classic Quiz Quiz Social study 11-16-17 by Mbwilliams Mbwilliams 3 played - 7 yrs ago Southern planters, sharecropping, slavery was abolished, Cotton became unpopular, 1880 and 1890s. QUIZ 10 QUESTIONS expert Question 1 / 10 Why did many southern planters enter sharecropping relationships with freedmen? They had lost their labor force when slavery was abolished.They believed that freedmen should own the land they worked.They wanted to help freedmen gain economic stability.They found that sharecropping was cheaper than slavery. Question 2 / 10 These are notes taken by a student in class. What would be the best title for these notes? Carpetbagger Movements in the SouthAbolition Movements in the SouthSharecropping in the SouthSlavery in the South Question 3 / 10 Why were Northerners who moved to the South during Reconstruction called "Carpetbaggers"? Many Northerners refused to buy southern goods.Many Southerners believed that Northerners were disrespecting the local culture by bringing industry to the South.Many Southerners believed that Northerners were trying to take advantage of the poor economy in the South.Many Northerners joined the Ku Klux Klan. Question 4 / 10 Why did the price of cotton drop during the 1800s and 1890s? Silk became easier to grow in the South.Cotton was overproduced and demand decreased.The government started importing foreign cotton.Cotton became an unpopular cloth in the North. Question 5 / 10 Why did many northern businessmen support the sharecropping in the South? They wanted to be able to purchase southern goods for low prices.They thought that it would lead to industrialism.They wanted to forgive wealthy Southerners for their roles in the Civil War.They believed it would create an equal society. Question 6 / 10 This is a quote from the United States Constitution. On what group of Americans did this quote have the greatest impact ? Poor, white immigrantsNative AmericansAfrican AmericansWealthy business owners Question 7 / 10 How did the development of the sharecropping system impact southern culture? It allowed white men to maintain much of the power.It gave African Americans the ability to gain social status.It made the South an industrialized region.It promoted equality for all people. Question 8 / 10 Why did many towns in the western territories see large population spikes followed by rapid declines? Towns were built as settlers trapped in the mountains during the winter and were able to continue in the spring.The federal government made it illegal to settle the Appalachian and Rocky Mountains.Towns were built around gold mines that, when empty, left no reason for the towns to exist.The Native Americans attacked all towns that were built west of the Mississippi River. Question 9 / 10 Across which continent travels the Transcontinental Railroad? South AmericaAfricaEuropeNorth America Question 10 / 10 Why was it difficult for most Native Americans to farm on reservation? Most of the land given to Native Americans on reservations was not suited for farming.No Native American tribe had experience in farming crops.The United States government placed heavy taxes on Native American farmers.Native Americans preferred to industrialize. A mistake in this Quiz ? Contact the author 2024 recap Julien 148 played - 2 mths ago Unknown historical dates Julien 143 played - 8 mths ago The abolition of slavery Julien 112 played - 1 yr ago History of the world Julien 120 played - 1 yr ago Events of the Berlin Airlift Hxd0211 137 played - 11 yrs ago The Mayflower JOB02 209 played - 16 yrs ago Churchill Celecita 138 played - 17 yrs ago