Personality Test Personality Test Personality Test It's lunchtime at Jerry's! by Alecb Alecb 14 played - 7 yrs ago Do you have what it takes to help Rose fulfill her sandwich orders and summon the demon Beelzebub at the same time? TEST 8 QUESTIONS Question 1 / 8 "Hey can I get a southern and a small smoothie?" 'Yes. Right away''Aye boy, but it’ll cost you your tongue''Listen kid. This demon ain't gonna summon itself''I don't know? Can you?' Continuer Question 2 / 8 Orders keep piling up! What do you do? Put your head down and grind it out.Convince the kids waiting to chant 'Et munus offerre. Fero consumite viscera animae'Summon a gremlin as a distraction and get on with your blood sacrifice.Call Karen to help Continuer Question 3 / 8 Oh golly gee. The blender stopped working. Swish the smoothie flavors in your mouth and regurgitate them like a bird.You didn't buy that shake weight for nothing. Get out there and shake them up.The Demon Crawley has saws for hands...I guess I could summon him insteadIgnore it. I won't need this job after the demon rises. Continuer Question 4 / 8 It's the cross-country team. I don't have time for this shit! How do you help Rose get rid of them? Call D-Rod uglySacrifice the weakest of them to the gorgons of Tri-circle, and hopefully the rest of them will get the messageI don't know. Just grill bagels and shitTell them you are out of ice cream and then throw the head of a goat at them Continuer Question 5 / 8 You are out of blood for the sacrifice. What do you do? Maybe those XC boys are still around...I'm sure we have more in the back.Cut off your left arm. The demon Beelzebub will reward your sacrifice.Damn. I'm not cut out for this. Continuer Question 6 / 8 Kids are asking about the flickering lights and smells of burning flesh from the back room. What do you say? Must be an electrical issue. What will your smoothie flavors be?Lol thats just Satan ;)*say nothing but lure a few victims back*Oh no. Sorry. The crematorium always acts up. Continuer Question 7 / 8 On a complete side did you guys feel about that 4th Harry Potter movie? In its last third, The Goblet of Fire builds to a climax of such overpowering dread that you might just forget the rest. Harry grows up in an instant, and the film does, too.A marked disappointment after Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, this fourth installment in the franchise is a 157-minute holding pattern.Goblet of Fire is more effective in these smaller, more intimate moments than in the bloated bombast of its larger set pieces.Goblet has enough sense of real kids maturing and believably facing problems to cast some genuine spells. Continuer Question 8 / 8 Back to business. A chasm to hell has opened up on the basketball court in Markin. What do you do? Surround the area in rock saltEh. Casualties are just part of the smoothie business.Fan the flames to turn Markin into a fiery inferno. This will make the summoning go smoother.Just ignore it Let's GO Wich smiling critters are you!!! Hunter1234 885 played - 10 mths ago What kind of girl are you ? MorningStar25534 465 played - 4 yrs ago What animal are you? Juliettemtropmj 2 336 played - 8 yrs ago