Classic Quiz
Quiz Stars, celebrities

Quiz How well do you know Dove Cameron?

212 played - 6 yrs ago

This quiz is here to test you on your knowledge of Dove Cameron.


Question 1 / 7

What year was Dove Cameron born?

Question 2 / 7
Does she have any brothers or sisters? If so, how many does she have?

Does she have any brothers or sisters? If so, how many does she have?

Question 3 / 7
On what date was her birthday?

On what date was her birthday?

Question 4 / 7
How many films and TV programmes has she starred in?

How many films and TV programmes has she starred in?

Question 5 / 7
We all know that Dove's real name wasn't that one at the beginning. She changed it after her dad had passed away, but what is her real name?

We all know that Dove's real name wasn't that one at the beginning. She changed it after her dad had passed away, but what is her real name?

Question 6 / 7

Which character did she play in her most recent film, Descendants 2?

Question 7 / 7

In one of her TV programmes, Liv and Maddie, did she play Liv or Maddie… or even both?

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