Personality Test Personality Test Personality Test Stuck in a rut? by Itsklove Itsklove 431 played - 6 yrs ago How to know when you are stuck and not making progress in one direction or the other. TEST 6 QUESTIONS Question 1 / 6 You wake up in the morning and find yourself dreading to get the day started. I usually roll over or stare at the ceiling. The thought of getting up makes me sick.I'm just tired and need more sleep.I get up and do what I have to do.I wake up refreshed and excited about the day. Continuer Question 2 / 6 All you can think about is getting off work so you can go home and watch TV. When I look at the clock, it appears to be moving backwards.I have to make a living so I do what I have to do, with no complaints.I like my job but am ready for something more.I am in no rush. I enjoy my job and the work that I do. Continuer Question 3 / 6 You are invited out for a social evening you... Gladly accept the invitation and look forward to a night out.You think it over but kindly decline because you have a host of responsibilities waiting on you.Accept because you haven't been out in a while but you are not convinced it is what you want to do.Decline because sitting on the sofa or sleeping sounds so much better. Continuer Question 4 / 6 You have been wanting to take on a new hobby or business venture but... Who said I wanted a new hobby or business? I like things as they are.Your daily schedule is full, so you have to make room for it first.The timing never appears to be right.You have already done this, and are happier for it. Continuer Question 5 / 6 You are asked "How are you?", you reply... I am doing GREAT!I am well!'Meh'I am not doing well, let me tell you... Continuer Question 6 / 6 Although you think you may be happier if you made a change, you also think "Why upset the apple cart?". Exactly, I cannot predict the future, so let me be!Things are not that bad. I will make a change when I absolutely have to.I need a change but I am scared to pursue it. I am more comfortable dealing with what I knowNope! I am ready for a change if it means I will be happier. Let's GO Wich smiling critters are you!!! Hunter1234 941 played - 10 mths ago What kind of girl are you ? MorningStar25534 477 played - 4 yrs ago What animal are you? Juliettemtropmj 2 347 played - 8 yrs ago