Personality Test Personality Test Personality Test 1984 quiz by 1984quiz 1984quiz 55 played - 5 yrs ago Take this 10-question quiz to find out which 1984 character you are. TEST 10 QUESTIONS Question 1 / 10 In a burning apartment building, your mom, your boss, your spouse and yourself are stuck on the top floor. Who do you save if you can only save one person? Your momYour bossYour spouseYourself Continuer Question 2 / 10 There is a false warning of a nuclear apocalypse, but you are the only one who knows it's a fake. What do you do? Become a prophetHide in your house to avoid the mobsJoin the mobTry to tell people it's a false alarm Continuer Question 3 / 10 Who is your favorite Marvel character? ThorIron ManLokiSpider-Man Continuer Question 4 / 10 What is your favorite color? GreyRedPinkGreen Continuer Question 5 / 10 What is your favorite drink? SodaTeaWaterCoffee Continuer Question 6 / 10 What is the best quality about yourself? LoyalLoverRebelLeader Continuer Question 7 / 10 What do you do at school? Actively try to learnTry to become popularSleepArgue with teachers Continuer Question 8 / 10 You are offered 100 dollars to memorize all the presidents in the next 2 hours, what do you do? Study in order to list all the presidentsProcrastinate until the last 10 minutesRefuse the offerYou don't need to study, you already know them Continuer Question 9 / 10 You go to a restaurant, but your waiter completely messes up your order, what do you do? Eat the food anywayArgue with the waiter until you get what you orderedPolitely ask for a refundSue the restaurant Continuer Question 10 / 10 Describe your work ethic. Hard workerLazyCreativeSolipsistic (Do what you please) Let's GO Wich smiling critters are you!!! Hunter1234 885 played - 10 mths ago What kind of girl are you ? MorningStar25534 465 played - 4 yrs ago What animal are you? Juliettemtropmj 2 336 played - 8 yrs ago