Classic Quiz
Quiz Cine and TV Shows

Quiz Homer Simpson's brain

3 played - 4 yrs ago

The brain and intellectual capacities of Homer. , Don't take this crappy, stupid little quiz seriously : it's just meant to have fun while gently poking fun at our favorite hero.


Question 1 / 14
What makes Homer's brain characteristic ?

What makes Homer's brain characteristic ?

Question 2 / 14
What is the anatomical problem with Homer's brain ?

What is the anatomical problem with Homer's brain ?

Question 3 / 14
Homer is not known for his great intellectual capacities. At what number is evaluated his IQ in The brain episode ?

Homer is not known for his great intellectual capacities. At what number is evaluated his IQ in The brain episode ?

Question 4 / 14
What object got stuck in his brain when he was little ?

What object got stuck in his brain when he was little ?

Question 5 / 14
What are the 3 thoughts that occupy Homer's brain almost all the time ?

What are the 3 thoughts that occupy Homer's brain almost all the time ?

Question 6 / 14
Why is Homer's intelligence not always there ?

Why is Homer's intelligence not always there ?

Question 7 / 14
What is the congenital origin of Homer's mental retardation ?

What is the congenital origin of Homer's mental retardation ?

Question 8 / 14
What is the name of the mad scientist who had the crazy idea of analyzing Homer's brain ?

What is the name of the mad scientist who had the crazy idea of analyzing Homer's brain ?

Question 9 / 14
Homer sometimes has trouble with is own brain. In a well know line from the show, he asks his brain to shut up. Which one of these lines was really said by Homer ?

Homer sometimes has trouble with is own brain. In a well know line from the show, he asks his brain to shut up. Which one of these lines was really said by Homer ?

Question 10 / 14
Who had the unfortunate idea of ? ?transplanting Homer's brain into a robot's head in a Halloween Special episode ?

Who had the unfortunate idea of ? ?transplanting Homer's brain into a robot's head in a Halloween Special episode ?

Question 11 / 14
In an episode of The Simpson Horror Show called Dial Z for Zombies, why the walking dead have trouble eating Homer's brain

In an episode of The Simpson Horror Show called Dial Z for Zombies, why the walking dead have trouble eating Homer's brain

Question 12 / 14
In an American advertisement, which microprocessor from the company Intel Homer was grafted into his brain to become intelligent ?

In an American advertisement, which microprocessor from the company Intel Homer was grafted into his brain to become intelligent ?

Question 13 / 14

Homer's behavior is sometimes so bizarre that paleoanthropologists have wondered whether it was from a new line of hominids unknown until then :

Question 14 / 14
Why does Homer seem so happy at the end of this quiz ?

Why does Homer seem so happy at the end of this quiz ?

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