Classic Quiz Classic Quiz Quiz African Diaspora Heritage Trail by Aouterbridge Aouterbridge 35 played - 15 yrs ago Test your knowledge of the African Diaspora Heritage Trail. QUIZ 10 QUESTIONS hard medium Question 1 / 10 What is the original meaning of the word diaspora? GatheredScatteredTradedBattered expert Question 2 / 10 The Bermudian Heritage Museum is the first fully exhibited Black History Museum of Bermuda. In what building is this museum located? Tucker's HouseThe Old State HouseThe Confederate MuseumSamaritan's Lodge hard Question 3 / 10 He was a celebrated pilot and was the first black man to own a house in Bermuda. Who was he? Pilot Sam SmithPilot James DarrellPilot Lance FurbertPilot Edward Fox medium Question 4 / 10 St. Peter's Church is one of the stops on the African Diaspora Heritage Trail. What is significant about this site in regards to the Diaspora Trail? A storm did severe damage to the siteThe building work was beset by stringent financial difficultiesTo the west of the church, behind the wall, can be found the graves of many slaves.It was the first black church built in Bermuda expert Question 5 / 10 In what year was the first black man and Indian brought to Bermuda? 1609161216161620 expert Question 6 / 10 For what purpose was the first black man and indian man brought to the island? To build housesTo build boatsTo work as pilotsTo dive for pearls hard Question 7 / 10 A runaway slave named Jeffrey hid in a cave for months. The cave came to be known as Jeffrey's cave. Where is this cave located? Spittal PondBoaz IslandGibbett's IslandPaget Island hard Question 8 / 10 Barr's Bay is another site on the African Diaspora Trail. What is the significance of this site? It was the site where the first black church was builtIt was the site where slaves were bought and soldThe site where the slave ship 'Enterprise' landed with 78 slavesThe site where Sally Bassett was executed expert Question 9 / 10 Gibbett's Island is another site on the African Diaspora Heritage Trail. What is the significance of this site? It was the location of the first black uprisingIt was the location where slaves were bought and soldIt was the location where slaves were executedIt was the location where the first black church was built hard Question 10 / 10 This church was built by blacks as a house of worship in the 1800's. What is the name of this church today? St. Peter's ChurchRichard Allen A. M. E. ChurchEthiopian Orthodox ChurchCobbs Hill Methodist Church A mistake in this Quiz ? Contact the author 2024 recap Julien 148 played - 2 mths ago Unknown historical dates Julien 143 played - 8 mths ago The abolition of slavery Julien 112 played - 1 yr ago History of the world Julien 120 played - 1 yr ago Events of the Berlin Airlift Hxd0211 137 played - 11 yrs ago The Mayflower JOB02 209 played - 16 yrs ago Churchill Celecita 138 played - 17 yrs ago