Classic Quiz Classic Quiz Quiz Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany by KateMac KateMac 76 played - 2 yrs ago I suggest this quiz on Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany who are directly responsible for the 50 to 60 million deaths of the Second World War QUIZ 21 QUESTIONS expert War expert Question 1 / 21 What word meaning 'guide' in German refers to the person of Adolf Hitler ( 1889-1945 ) ? FuhrerKaiserDuce expert Question 2 / 21 Which grouping did he join in 1919 to make it the main party in Germany? The National Socialist Party of the German WorkersThe Social Nationalist Party of the Aryan PeopleThe Christian Democratic Party of the German People expert Question 3 / 21 What was the name of the party militia led by Ernest Rohm? The Assault Section (SA)The BlackshirtsThe Combat Clusters expert Question 4 / 21 What was the failed coup attempt that landed Hitler in prison in 1923 called? The march on BerlinThe Munich putschThe Sarajevo bombing expert Question 5 / 21 What is the title of the autobiographical work written in prison that sets forth the basis of his ideology? My struggleMy thoughtOne people, one state, one leader (Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer) expert Question 6 / 21 Which president of the Republic appointed him chancellor after the victory of the Nazi party in the 1933 elections? Von PapenHindenburgFriedrich Ebert expert Question 7 / 21 What event served as a pretext for Hitler to suspend civil liberties and suppress opposition? The crash of the airship HindenburgThe burning of the ReichstagThe assassination of the Archduke Francois-Ferdinand expert Question 8 / 21 What is the name of the totalitarian dictatorship set up by Hitler from 1933 to 1945? The Weimar RepublicThe Third ReichThe Holy German Empire expert Question 9 / 21 What is the name of Hitler's propaganda minister, an expert in the art of manipulating crowds? GoebbelsGoringBormann expert Question 10 / 21 Which major international sporting event was used as propaganda for the Nazi regime in 1936 in Berlin? The World Football CupThe Olympic GamesThe World Athletic Championship expert Question 11 / 21 What is the name of the Nazi political police whose absolute leader was Heinrich Himmler? GestapoStasiGuepeou expert Question 12 / 21 What was the name of the great purge among his former supporters, whose main victim was Ernest Rohm? KristallnachtNight of the Long KnivesThe Great Terror expert Question 13 / 21 Which country did Hitler annex as part of the Anschluss in 1938? AustriaThe SudetenlandLuxembourg expert Question 14 / 21 What is the name of the head of German diplomacy who signed the Munich Agreement and the German-Soviet non-aggression pact? RibbentropLudendorffRudolf Hess expert Question 15 / 21 With which dictator did Hitler conclude the Axis military alliance? FrancoMussoliniTito expert Question 16 / 21 The tripartite pact Germany-Italy-Japan follows which treaty signed in 1936 by Germany and Japan? The anti-Komintern pactThe Kyoto treatyThe pact of steel expert Question 17 / 21 What was the name of the elite troops of Hitler's political army? The WehrmachtThe Waffen SSThe Luftwaffe expert Question 18 / 21 By what name is the 'final solution' of extermination of the Jews implemented by Himmler known? The ShoahThe TorahThe Mishna expert Question 19 / 21 What is the name of Hitler's vacation home in the Bavarian Alps? The BerghofThe Wolf's denThe Eagle's den expert Question 20 / 21 What was the name of the bombing of Hitler on July 20, 1944, aimed at overthrowing the Nazi regime? Operation BarbarossaOperation ValkyrieOperation Attila expert Question 21 / 21 What is the name of Hitler's mistress They committed suicide in their Berlin bunker when the Red Army arrived on April 30, 1945 Erika BauerEva BraunElsa Frozen A mistake in this Quiz ? Contact the author 2024 recap Julien 148 played - 2 mths ago Unknown historical dates Julien 143 played - 8 mths ago The abolition of slavery Julien 112 played - 1 yr ago History of the world Julien 120 played - 1 yr ago Events of the Berlin Airlift Hxd0211 137 played - 11 yrs ago The Mayflower JOB02 209 played - 16 yrs ago Churchill Celecita 138 played - 17 yrs ago