Classic Quiz
Quiz Geography

Quiz Capital cities (3)

56 played - 2 yrs ago

A little trip to Africa this time, to discover some capitals.


Question 1 / 10

Nicknamed 'la blanche' or 'la joyeuse', I am built on the banks of the Mediterranean. It is in my Casbah that the action of the movie 'Pepe le Moko' takes place. I am the capital:

Question 2 / 10

I am the capital of a neighboring country of South Sudan. I am located at more than 1600 m above sea level and my inhabitants speak English or Swahili. I am:

Question 3 / 10

I am the capital of the former French West Africa, on the Atlantic Ocean. Last stage of a famous car rally in the 80's, I am :

Question 4 / 10

I am not the largest city in my country although I am the capital. My kasbah of Oudaias and its enclosure face the Atlantic Ocean. I am:

Question 5 / 10

I am the administrative capital of a country located at the southern end of the African continent. Populated by a majority of Afrikaners, I am:

Question 6 / 10

I am the capital of my country since the 12th century. City of North Africa located at the bottom of the gulf that bears my name, I am:

Question 7 / 10

The country of which I am the capital is the one where several big African lakes are spread out and where the Kilimanjaro culminates at nearly 6000 m. I am:

Question 8 / 10

The island of which I am the capital is a former French colony in the Indian Ocean. I am :

Question 9 / 10

The country of which I am the capital was ruled for a long time by a negus. It is on its territory that the ancestor 'Lucy' was discovered in 1974. I am:

Question 10 / 10

My name means 'the Victorious'. Watered by the Nile, I am the largest city in Africa. In the land of the pyramids, I am:

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