Classic Quiz
Quiz General knowledge

Quiz Tricky questions

89 played - 1 yr ago

Will you be able to answer the questions I am asking?


Question 1 / 10
In this simple interrogative sentence, how many epithet adjectives are there ?

In this simple interrogative sentence, how many epithet adjectives are there ?

Question 2 / 10
How many pairs of legs does a spider have?

How many pairs of legs does a spider have?

Question 3 / 10
Where was this picture taken?

Where was this picture taken?

Question 4 / 10
Which bird has no wings and therefore cannot fly?

Which bird has no wings and therefore cannot fly?

Question 5 / 10
Solve this calculation: 9 6×9÷2.

Solve this calculation: 9 6×9÷2.

Question 6 / 10
You go to the market and buy a camera. The case and the camera cost 300 euros and the camera costs 295 euros more than the case. How much will you have to pay if you buy only the camera without the case?

You go to the market and buy a camera. The case and the camera cost 300 euros and the camera costs 295 euros more than the case. How much will you have to pay if you buy only the camera without the case?

Question 7 / 10
How many Harry Potter movies have been released?

How many Harry Potter movies have been released?

Question 8 / 10
In one liter of lemonade, there is 80 'water, what is the percentage of water in half a liter?

In one liter of lemonade, there is 80 'water, what is the percentage of water in half a liter?

Question 9 / 10
Which of these fruits contains the most vitamin C?

Which of these fruits contains the most vitamin C?

Question 10 / 10
You have two children. What is the probability that it is a boy and a girl?

You have two children. What is the probability that it is a boy and a girl?

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