Classic Quiz
Quiz Cine and TV Shows

Quiz Avengers

63 played - 1 yr ago

Marvel's Avengers quiz!


Question 1 / 7
I'm green, I'm strong, I get angry to put on my second skin and I'm always bubbling inside. I am:

I'm green, I'm strong, I get angry to put on my second skin and I'm always bubbling inside. I am:

Question 2 / 7

In the film, my favorite weapon is the bow. I worked against my own side for a while, but a blow to the head restored my sanity. My name is:

Question 3 / 7
I have a lot of money, I was kidnapped but escaped. I'm a knight of technology in gold and red. I'm:

I have a lot of money, I was kidnapped but escaped. I'm a knight of technology in gold and red. I'm:

Question 4 / 7

I'm a god of the north. I fight with my hammer and in the movie I'm blond with long hair. I am:

Question 5 / 7
I'm the oldest Avenger. I defended my country until I became a human glacon. My shield has a star on it. They call me:

I'm the oldest Avenger. I defended my country until I became a human glacon. My shield has a star on it. They call me:

Question 6 / 7

I run SHIELD, which defends world security. I recruited the Avengers, even though it wasn't easy. I'm military. I am:

Question 7 / 7
I'm Russian. I had to fight my colleague and friend with excellent eyesight to straighten him out because he'd gone over to the enemy. I am:

I'm Russian. I had to fight my colleague and friend with excellent eyesight to straighten him out because he'd gone over to the enemy. I am:

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