Classic Quiz
Quiz Anime

Quiz One Piece characters (4)

105 played - 1 yr ago

How well do you know the One Piece characters? If not, take this quick quiz.


Question 1 / 10
What weapon does Ben Beckman, Shanks' second-in-command, use?

What weapon does Ben Beckman, Shanks' second-in-command, use?

Question 2 / 10
Lucky Roux is a member of the Shanks crew. But what does his name literally mean?

Lucky Roux is a member of the Shanks crew. But what does his name literally mean?

Question 3 / 10
Which member of the Straw Hat crew is Makino, tavern keeper, closest to?

Which member of the Straw Hat crew is Makino, tavern keeper, closest to?

Question 4 / 10
What's the name of the bandit who kidnapped Luffy when he was little?

What's the name of the bandit who kidnapped Luffy when he was little?

Question 5 / 10
Lady Arbyda is the first pirate to be beaten by Luffy. Which pirate will she team up with next?

Lady Arbyda is the first pirate to be beaten by Luffy. Which pirate will she team up with next?

Question 6 / 10
What does Rika offer Zoro when he is Colonel Morgan's prisoner?

What does Rika offer Zoro when he is Colonel Morgan's prisoner?

Question 7 / 10
On which island is Morgan the woodcutter the Navy colonel?

On which island is Morgan the woodcutter the Navy colonel?

Question 8 / 10
How does Zoro's childhood friend, Kuina, die?

How does Zoro's childhood friend, Kuina, die?

Question 9 / 10
What are the names of Ussopp's crew, staying with Kaya in Syrop?

What are the names of Ussopp's crew, staying with Kaya in Syrop?

Question 10 / 10
Nezumi is a fallen navy commander. Which pirate bribes him to leave him alone?

Nezumi is a fallen navy commander. Which pirate bribes him to leave him alone?