Classic Quiz
Quiz Philosophy

Quiz Religions

89 played - 1 yr ago

General culture about religions


Question 1 / 12
What is the main religious trend of Islam called?

What is the main religious trend of Islam called?

Question 2 / 12
What do Protestants generally call their place of worship?

What do Protestants generally call their place of worship?

Question 3 / 12
Where does Hinduism originate?

Where does Hinduism originate?

Question 4 / 12
What does the Latin cross represent?

What does the Latin cross represent?

Question 5 / 12
What is the founding text of Judaism?

What is the founding text of Judaism?

Question 6 / 12
What is the majority religion in Cameroon?

What is the majority religion in Cameroon?

Question 7 / 12
Which of these countries is home to the majority of Shiite Muslims?

Which of these countries is home to the majority of Shiite Muslims?

Question 8 / 12
Which day of the week is the Sabbath?

Which day of the week is the Sabbath?

Question 9 / 12
On which mountain did Jehovah speak to Moses?

On which mountain did Jehovah speak to Moses?

Question 10 / 12
Which of these cults is practiced by the vast majority of Chinese people?

Which of these cults is practiced by the vast majority of Chinese people?

Question 11 / 12
What has the pope of the Catholic Church been called since 2013?

What has the pope of the Catholic Church been called since 2013?

Question 12 / 12
In what year did the Prophet Muhammad die?

In what year did the Prophet Muhammad die?

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