Classic Quiz Classic Quiz Dali quiz by Robenin Robenin 149 played - 1 yr ago A quiz on the painter Salvador Dali more quizzes on QUIZ 10 QUESTIONS expert expert Question 1 / 10 Dali belongs to which artistic movement? ImpressionismSurrealistCubistAbstract expert Question 2 / 10 Dali was born in Figueras on May 11, 1904 and died January 23, 1989 in ParisJanuary 23, 1989 in MadridJanuary 23, 1989 in FiguerasJanuary 23, 1989 in London expert Question 3 / 10 Dali had an obsession for an animal, which one? LizardsAntsBeetlesFlies expert Question 4 / 10 Which work is not by Dali? The Great MasturbatorThe Hallucinogenic BullfighterMoment of TransitionNude Descending a Staircase expert Question 5 / 10 According to Dali, Picasso is An artist who could try to come up to his ankleResponsible for the generalized ugliness of contemporary artA fantastic man but a bad painterThe precursor of cubist art in France, and in Europe expert Question 6 / 10 In the famous work persistence of memory, the soft watches represent: The theory of ant supremacyThe theory of the absence of GodThe theory of relativityThe theory of quantum physics expert Question 7 / 10 What did Dali create in 1945 for Alfred Hitchcock's film The House of Doctor Edwardes? The decor of the dream sceneThe decor of the final sceneThe decor of the opening sceneThe decor of the scene in the plane expert Question 8 / 10 Dali painted a Madonna and Child, including: La madone sixtineLa madone de port lligatVierge et l'Enfant entoures d'angesLa Madone aux Roses expert Question 9 / 10 Which quote is not by Dali? Le surrealisme, c'est moiJe suis pratiquant, mais pas croyantRose Selavy et moi esquivons les ecchymoses des Esquimaux aux mots exquisIl y a toujours un moment dans leur vie ou les gens s'apercoise qu'ils m'adore expert Question 10 / 10 Dali went to college De MadridDe PataphysiqueDe FranceDu bon gout A mistake in this Quiz ? Contact the author What is it? - special colors Julien 135 played - 2 days ago A painter and his work Julien 134 played - 3 mths ago Braids and plaits in paint Julien 129 played - 5 mths ago Yellow in painting Julien 141 played - 8 mths ago Painting windows Julien 126 played - 8 mths ago Painting the sea Julien 147 played - 1 yr ago British painters Julien 954 played - 17 yrs ago