Classic Quiz
Quiz General knowledge

Quiz Around the giraffe

94 played - 12 mths ago

Not just animals!


Question 1 / 12
What do we say about the giraffe when it runs?

What do we say about the giraffe when it runs?

Question 2 / 12

What is the name of the rubber giraffe created in 1961 for infants?

Question 3 / 12

Which professional might use a giraffe?

Question 4 / 12

What kind of drink can be served in a giraffe?

Question 5 / 12

Who painted this Giraffe on Fire, on display at the Basel Museum of Fine Arts?

Question 6 / 12

What is the other name for the giraffe unicycle, which is much higher than a normal unicycle?

Question 7 / 12
The giraffe (the animal) sleeps very little. In 24 hours, how long does it sleep on average?

The giraffe (the animal) sleeps very little. In 24 hours, how long does it sleep on average?

Question 8 / 12
This stuffed giraffe can be seen at the Natural History Museum in La Rochelle. In 1827, it was offered by a vice king of Egypt to the French king of the time, i.e.:

This stuffed giraffe can be seen at the Natural History Museum in La Rochelle. In 1827, it was offered by a vice king of Egypt to the French king of the time, i.e.:

Question 9 / 12
The story of the giraffe in the previous question inspired the one told in a French animated feature, released in February 2012. What's the title?

The story of the giraffe in the previous question inspired the one told in a French animated feature, released in February 2012. What's the title?

Question 10 / 12

What kind of giraffe is flying over our heads?

Question 11 / 12
What was the name of the singer who sang Madame la girafe, a children's song from the 70s?

What was the name of the singer who sang Madame la girafe, a children's song from the 70s?

Question 12 / 12

Where can you find female giraffes with deformed necks lengthened by a spiral necklace worn from the age of five?

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