Classic Quiz
Quiz Philosophy

Quiz John Perry and procrastination

76 played - 1 yr ago

Without realizing it, many people and students fall prey to procrastination. But what is procrastination?


Question 1 / 11

John Perry, born in January 1943, was a professor at Stanford University. What is the subject of the essay that won him the Ig Nobel Prize for Literature in 1991?

Question 2 / 11

Procrastinate comes from the Latin "procrastinare". What does this verb mean?

Question 3 / 11

What makes a procrastinator special?

Question 4 / 11

What is John Perry's solution to his disability?

Question 5 / 11

So what does he call the creative procrastinator?

Question 6 / 11

Complete: "Pour être un __________ , toujours travailler est quelque chose ___________ , en l'utilisation comme un moyen d'éviter de faire quelque chose qui est encore ____ important...

Question 7 / 11

What does Perry mean: "I once followed a trail of sugar, on the ground, through a supermarket, pushing my cart and looking for the buyer with the torn bag, to tell him he was making a mess. With each trip, the trail got thicker, but it seemed impossible to catch up. Finally, he appeared to me. I was the customer I was trying to catch".

Question 8 / 11

What's the name of his 2012 book on the subject of the quiz?

Question 9 / 11

In psychology, what is the underlying cause of procrastination?

Question 10 / 11

In your opinion, is a procrastinator a lazy, inactive person?

Question 11 / 11

"Never put off until tomorrow what you could do the day after tomorrow". Who is this quote from?

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