Classic Quiz
Quiz Art

Quiz Painters named Paul

65 played - 8 mths ago

Discover the work of painters named Paul.


Question 1 / 10

Which painter produced a series of paintings dedicated to the 'Montagne Sainte Victoire', which was located near his home in Aix-en-Provence?

Question 2 / 10
Which painter who settled in Tahiti realized 'D'ou venons-nous? What are we? Where are we going? ' ?

Which painter who settled in Tahiti realized 'D'ou venons-nous? What are we? Where are we going? ' ?

Question 3 / 10

Which painter who founded the Nabis group produced 'Eve bretonne ou melancolie'?

Question 4 / 10
To which pictorial movement can Paul Signac, who painted 'La calanque', be linked?

To which pictorial movement can Paul Signac, who painted 'La calanque', be linked?

Question 10 / 10
Which fishing port, home to many painters, was portrayed by Paul Signac?

Which fishing port, home to many painters, was portrayed by Paul Signac?

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