Classic Quiz
Quiz Art

Quiz The works of Leonardo da Vinci

78 played - 11 mths ago

A quiz on the major works of this great master.


Question 1 / 12
How big is 'The Mona Lisa', visible in the Louvre behind protective glass?

How big is 'The Mona Lisa', visible in the Louvre behind protective glass?

Question 2 / 12
In which Florentine painter's studio did Leonardo da Vinci, still a teenager, enter before producing his own works?

In which Florentine painter's studio did Leonardo da Vinci, still a teenager, enter before producing his own works?

Question 3 / 12
In 1481, the convent of San Donato commissioned him to paint an altarpiece for its church. Now on display at the Uffizi, what name does this work bear?

In 1481, the convent of San Donato commissioned him to paint an altarpiece for its church. Now on display at the Uffizi, what name does this work bear?

Question 4 / 12
What is the name of the painting technique that gives a 'vaporous model' to certain shots in Leonardo da Vinci's works?

What is the name of the painting technique that gives a 'vaporous model' to certain shots in Leonardo da Vinci's works?

Question 5 / 12
Why didn't the painter deliver 'La Vierge aux rochers' to the monks who had commissioned it?

Why didn't the painter deliver 'La Vierge aux rochers' to the monks who had commissioned it?

Question 6 / 12
What is the name commonly given to the pen, ink and wash drawing on paper entitled 'Etude de proportions du corps humain'?

What is the name commonly given to the pen, ink and wash drawing on paper entitled 'Etude de proportions du corps humain'?

Question 7 / 12
The first known drawing by the painter (exhibited at the Uffizi in Florence) is a landscape of the ...

The first known drawing by the painter (exhibited at the Uffizi in Florence) is a landscape of the ...

Question 8 / 12
In a book he illustrated in 1509, the first printed version of a solid appears. What is the name of this solid?

In a book he illustrated in 1509, the first printed version of a solid appears. What is the name of this solid?

Question 9 / 12
Where is the wall of the Santa Maria delle Grazie convent on which 'The Last Supper' was painted?

Where is the wall of the Santa Maria delle Grazie convent on which 'The Last Supper' was painted?

Question 10 / 12
The 'Codex Leicester' is Leonardo da Vinci's only privately-owned scientific work. Who are they?

The 'Codex Leicester' is Leonardo da Vinci's only privately-owned scientific work. Who are they?

Question 11 / 12
In 1502, at the request of the Ottoman sultan of Istanbul, Leonardo da Vinci designed a bridge ...

In 1502, at the request of the Ottoman sultan of Istanbul, Leonardo da Vinci designed a bridge ...

Question 12 / 12
What is the title of the painting, painted around 1473, showing the Virgin holding a flower, and the baby Jesus trying to catch it?

What is the title of the painting, painted around 1473, showing the Virgin holding a flower, and the baby Jesus trying to catch it?

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