Classic Quiz Classic Quiz Quiz The USSR from Lenin to Stalin by Jerzol Jerzol 64 played - 11 mths ago Do you know about the Russian revolution? QUIZ 20 QUESTIONS expert expert Question 1 / 20 Who was the first leader of the Bolshevik party to seize power in Russia in October 1917? LeninStalinTrotsky expert Question 2 / 20 What was the favourite color of the Bolsheviks? BlackBlueRed expert Question 3 / 20 What was the Bolshevik emblem that adorned the flag of the USSR? The swastikaThe sickle and hammerThe red crescent expert Question 4 / 20 In what year did Lenin die? 192419281934 expert Question 5 / 20 Who was the founder of the Red Army during the civil war from 1918 onwards? StalinTrotskyBeria expert Question 6 / 20 Which city opposed to the Bolshevik dictatorship was attacked and destroyed by the Red Army in March 1921? LeningradStalingradKronstadt expert Question 7 / 20 What was the name of the economic period that followed the civil war and enabled the USSR to recover economically? CollectivizationNepIejovchina expert Question 8 / 20 Which enemy of the Soviet regime, real or imagined, will be designated as the scapegoat during land collectivization? The kulakThe white guardThe bourgeois expert Question 9 / 20 Which of Stalin's companions will be killed in 1934, heralding the start of the Great Terror? TrotskyBukharinKirov expert Question 10 / 20 Who was the public prosecutor who presided over the disastrous Moscow trials of 1936 and 1938, rigged to eliminate Stalin's opponents? Andrei VychinskyLavrenti BeriaNikita Khrushchev expert Question 11 / 20 What was the name of the political police force that succeeded the Guepeou in 1934? KGBFSBNKVD expert Question 12 / 20 Who was appointed head of the political police in 1938 in place of Iejov? IagodaDjerzinskiBeria expert Question 13 / 20 What was the Soviet camp system called? The GulagThe GoumThe Borch expert Question 14 / 20 With whom did Stalin ally himself in August 1939? With RooseveltWith ChurchillWith Hitler expert Question 15 / 20 Which Soviet marshal did Stalin have executed in 1937 to purge the Red Army? ZhukovSuvorovTukhachevsky expert Question 16 / 20 Who was the USSR's commissioner for foreign affairs during the war, nicknamed Mr Niet? MolotovZhukovJdanov expert Question 17 / 20 What was the name of the 3rd International, created by Lenin in 1920 and dissolved by Stalin in 1943? KommunistKominternKomsomol expert Question 18 / 20 Who was the Soviet representative of the Cold War in 1947? Nikita KhrushchevLeonid BrezhnevAndrei Zhdanov expert Question 19 / 20 In what year did Stalin die? 195019531956 expert Question 20 / 20 What was Stalin called? The ogre of GeorgiaThe man of the woodsThe little father of the peoples A mistake in this Quiz ? Contact the author 2024 recap Julien 148 played - 2 mths ago Unknown historical dates Julien 143 played - 8 mths ago The abolition of slavery Julien 112 played - 1 yr ago History of the world Julien 120 played - 1 yr ago Events of the Berlin Airlift Hxd0211 137 played - 11 yrs ago The Mayflower JOB02 209 played - 16 yrs ago Churchill Celecita 138 played - 17 yrs ago