Classic Quiz
Quiz General knowledge

Logo quiz

64 played - 4 mths ago

A little logo quiz!


Question 1 / 7
Which brand does this logo correspond to?

Which brand does this logo correspond to?

Question 2 / 7
Which brand does this logo correspond to?

Which brand does this logo correspond to?

Question 3 / 7
Which brand does this logo correspond to?

Which brand does this logo correspond to?

Question 4 / 7
Which brand does this logo correspond to?

Which brand does this logo correspond to?

Question 5 / 7
Which brand does this logo correspond to?

Which brand does this logo correspond to?

Question 6 / 7
Which brand does this logo correspond to? ( this is not the current logo of this brand )

Which brand does this logo correspond to? ( this is not the current logo of this brand )

Question 7 / 7
Which brand does this logo correspond to?

Which brand does this logo correspond to?

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