Classic Quiz
Quiz Literature, poetry

Quiz Literary culture!

55 played - 1 mth ago

In this quiz, a little literature and poetry.
Good luck!


Question 1 / 10

What is the name of the writer Daudet?

Question 2 / 10

Complete this verse by Musset: Qu'importe le flacon, pourvu qu'on ait...

Question 3 / 10
What name is given to a poet's inspiration?

What name is given to a poet's inspiration?

Question 4 / 10

In which century did the writer Montaigne live?

Question 5 / 10

Who is Pantagruel, the character invented by Rabelais?

Question 6 / 10
Who wrote the children's novel Le General Dourakine?

Who wrote the children's novel Le General Dourakine?

Question 7 / 10
Complete the title of this novel by Gustave Flaubert: L'Education...

Complete the title of this novel by Gustave Flaubert: L'Education...

Question 8 / 10

In what year did Emile Zola publish his novel Nana?

Question 9 / 10

Complete this line by Baudelaire: I have more memories than if I had...

Question 10 / 10
To which writer do we owe the novel Vipere au poing?

To which writer do we owe the novel Vipere au poing?

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