QCM Quiz
Quiz Cine and TV Shows

Quiz Loki's characters

102 played - 1 mth ago

Do you know the characters in the Marvel series "Loki" starring Tom Hiddleston and Owen Wilson? Try to recognize them thanks to the photos and clues.
Attention spoilers!


QCM : Each question may have multiple correct answers
Question 1 / 15

Who is this character, one of the most important in the series?

Question 2 / 15

Who is this VAT agent?

Question 3 / 15

Who is this woman hiding from apocalypse to apocalypse so as not to create a nexus?

Question 4 / 15

What is the name of this cute little clock?

Question 5 / 15

Who are these three characters, who turn out to be robots in episode 4?

Question 6 / 15
Who is this TVA man who uses infinity stones as paperweights?

Who is this TVA man who uses infinity stones as paperweights?

Question 7 / 15

Who is this VAT agent who will eventually realize that she is also a variant?

Question 10 / 15
Who is this goddess who won't stop slapping Loki?

Who is this goddess who won't stop slapping Loki?

Question 11 / 15

What's this judge's name?

Question 12 / 15

Which of these Loki variants is President Loki?

Question 13 / 15

Which of these Loki variants is the boastful Loki?

Question 14 / 15

Which of these Loki variants is the classic Loki?

Question 15 / 15
And finally, what is the name of the guardian of the Void?

And finally, what is the name of the guardian of the Void?

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