Classic Quiz
Quiz Art

Quiz Art: Sculpture

67 played - 7 mths ago

A quiz on art and, in particular, sculptors and their works.


Question 1 / 10
Who was the sculptor of La Liberte eclairant notre monde?

Who was the sculptor of La Liberte eclairant notre monde?

Question 2 / 10
What is the name of this contemporary art movement whose works are set in nature and the landscape?

What is the name of this contemporary art movement whose works are set in nature and the landscape?

Question 3 / 10
Intaglio is a sculpting process.

Intaglio is a sculpting process.

Question 4 / 10
What's the name of the Greek statue depicting an athlete preparing to throw a discus?

What's the name of the Greek statue depicting an athlete preparing to throw a discus?

Question 5 / 10
Which female statuette is the oldest sculpture ever found?

Which female statuette is the oldest sculpture ever found?

Question 6 / 10
To whom do we owe the great statue of the biblical heroes David exhibited in Florence?

To whom do we owe the great statue of the biblical heroes David exhibited in Florence?

Question 7 / 10
Which sculptor is famous for his elongated figures?

Which sculptor is famous for his elongated figures?

Question 8 / 10
Medieval carved wooden figures were painted.

Medieval carved wooden figures were painted.

Question 9 / 10
To whom do we owe La Fontaine Stravinsky , featuring highly colorful figures, which stands next to the Centre National d'Art et de culture Georges Pompidou in Paris?

To whom do we owe La Fontaine Stravinsky , featuring highly colorful figures, which stands next to the Centre National d'Art et de culture Georges Pompidou in Paris?

Question 10 / 10
I'm an American artist who has achieved posterity with my suspended sculptures known as 'mobiles'. I have created 'stabiles', such as 'L'Araignee rouge' du parvis de la Defense

I'm an American artist who has achieved posterity with my suspended sculptures known as 'mobiles'. I have created 'stabiles', such as 'L'Araignee rouge' du parvis de la Defense

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