Classic Quiz
Quiz General knowledge

Quiz Animals in song titles

61 played - 1 mth ago

General culture


Question 1 / 15

What color was the eagle in Barbara's song?

Question 2 / 15

Who is the author-interpreter of ''Poulaillers' Song''?

Question 3 / 15
What is the name of the dog in the Nino Ferrer song?

What is the name of the dog in the Nino Ferrer song?

Question 4 / 15
Which cemetery is mentioned in Eddy Mitchell's song?

Which cemetery is mentioned in Eddy Mitchell's song?

Question 5 / 15

Which singer had a ''Cur de loup'' in 1989?

Question 6 / 15
Which American folk song duo sang "El Condor pasa"?

Which American folk song duo sang "El Condor pasa"?

Question 7 / 15
Who won Eurovision with ''L'Oiseau et l'Enfant'' in 1977?

Who won Eurovision with ''L'Oiseau et l'Enfant'' in 1977?

Question 8 / 15
In 1967, France Gall talks about a baby. Which baby is it?

In 1967, France Gall talks about a baby. Which baby is it?

Question 9 / 15
Everyone knows "La danse des Canards", but who was the singer who performed it in 1980 and made it a hit?

Everyone knows "La danse des Canards", but who was the singer who performed it in 1980 and made it a hit?

Question 10 / 15
Which Breton group sang the lyrics ''J'entends le loup le renard et la belette'' (I hear the wolf, the fox and the weasel)?

Which Breton group sang the lyrics ''J'entends le loup le renard et la belette'' (I hear the wolf, the fox and the weasel)?

Question 11 / 15
Which bird did Gille Dreu sing in 1968?

Which bird did Gille Dreu sing in 1968?

Question 12 / 15
As for Michel Polnareff, what is he king of?

As for Michel Polnareff, what is he king of?

Question 13 / 15
By which licentious singer is the title ''La chatte a la voisine''?

By which licentious singer is the title ''La chatte a la voisine''?

Question 14 / 15

Which group performs a capella ''Le lion est mort ce soir''?

Question 15 / 15
Who sang "Le Gorille", the theme of which is opposition to the death penalty?

Who sang "Le Gorille", the theme of which is opposition to the death penalty?

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