Classic Quiz
Quiz Cine and TV Shows

Quiz Fictional planets

74 played - 1 mth ago

You'll be asked questions related to well-known fictional planets. These planets may come from films, series, books or comic strips.
In the question, you won't necessarily be given the title of the work in which the planets appear.

The planet illustrating the quiz is Tatooine, featured in "Star Wars".


Question 1 / 10
Which of the following is associated with the planet Krypton?

Which of the following is associated with the planet Krypton?

Question 2 / 10

Which of these characters was not born on the planet Naboo?

Question 3 / 10
How do you spell the name of the planet where Denree comes from?

How do you spell the name of the planet where Denree comes from?

Question 4 / 10

Which of these planets is commonly known as Dune?

Question 5 / 10

Abydos is a planet that is part...

Question 6 / 10
It ... around the planet Thra.

It ... around the planet Thra.

Question 7 / 10
In which film does the planet Crematoria appear?

In which film does the planet Crematoria appear?

Question 8 / 10

What has ravaged the planet Cybertron?

Question 9 / 10
What are the names of the inhabitants of the planet Pandora?

What are the names of the inhabitants of the planet Pandora?

Question 10 / 10
In Alien , on which planet does the Nostromo ship land?

In Alien , on which planet does the Nostromo ship land?

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