Classic Quiz
Quiz Art

Quiz Impressionism

108 played - 8 mths ago

An artistic movement of the second half of the 19th century characterized by a tendency to record fleeting impressions.


Question 1 / 10
Which painter gave his name to the Impressionist movement with his painting 'Impression soleil levant'?

Which painter gave his name to the Impressionist movement with his painting 'Impression soleil levant'?

Question 2 / 10
Which painter with realise 'Bal du moulin de la Galette' painted during 60 years approximately 6 000 paintings?

Which painter with realise 'Bal du moulin de la Galette' painted during 60 years approximately 6 000 paintings?

Question 3 / 10

Which painter born in the West Indies painted 'Cottage a Pontoise dans la neige'?

Question 4 / 10
Which painter who painted 'Inondation a Port Marly' died of throat cancer?

Which painter who painted 'Inondation a Port Marly' died of throat cancer?

Question 5 / 10
Which painter who created 'La lecon de danse' suffered from an eye disease?

Which painter who created 'La lecon de danse' suffered from an eye disease?

Question 6 / 10
Which woman painter of whom Degas said: 'it is inadmissible for a woman to draw so well', created 'La toilette'?

Which woman painter of whom Degas said: 'it is inadmissible for a woman to draw so well', created 'La toilette'?

Question 7 / 10
Which woman painter who was Manet's sister-in-law painted 'Jour d'ete'?

Which woman painter who was Manet's sister-in-law painted 'Jour d'ete'?

Question 8 / 10

Which female painter who frequently served as a model for members of the Impressionist school produced 'La modiste'?

Question 9 / 10
Which painter who painted 'Reunion de famille' was killed in action in 1870?

Which painter who painted 'Reunion de famille' was killed in action in 1870?

Question 10 / 10
Which painter, nicknamed the King of Skies by Camille Corot, painted 'La plage de Trouville'?

Which painter, nicknamed the King of Skies by Camille Corot, painted 'La plage de Trouville'?

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