Classic Quiz
Quiz Geography

Quiz Capital cities

73 played - 1 mth ago

Here's a general culture quiz about capital cities. Good luck!


Question 1 / 11
Which capital followed by the word Express gives the name of a French TV game?

Which capital followed by the word Express gives the name of a French TV game?

Question 2 / 11

The Little Mermaid is a statue created in 1913 by Edvard Eriksen and is the symbol of his country. In which capital is it located?

Question 3 / 11
Who will be singing Bruxelles je t'aime in 2021?

Who will be singing Bruxelles je t'aime in 2021?

Question 4 / 11
What was the capital of Brazil before Brasilia?

What was the capital of Brazil before Brasilia?

Question 5 / 11

What is the capital of the American state of Wyoming?

Question 6 / 11
Which is the farthest capital from Paris?

Which is the farthest capital from Paris?

Question 7 / 11
How do you say Jakarta in Italian?

How do you say Jakarta in Italian?

Question 8 / 11
What are the names of the inhabitants of Caracas?

What are the names of the inhabitants of Caracas?

Question 9 / 11
Who sings Kiev in 2018?

Who sings Kiev in 2018?

Question 10 / 11

It bears the same name as the capital of...

Question 11 / 11
In which capital were the first modern Olympic Games held?

In which capital were the first modern Olympic Games held?

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