Classic Quiz
Quiz Philosophy

Quiz From Confucius or Mandela (The wise man expects everything from himself, the vulgar expects everything from others)

60 played - 1 mth ago

Living together. As much as possible!


Question 1 / 15

He who does not care about the future, condemns himself to immediate worries.

Question 2 / 15

I learned that courage is not the absence of fear, but the ability to overcome it.

Question 3 / 15

When words lose their meaning, people lose their freedom.

Question 4 / 15
You can only govern your family well by setting an example.

You can only govern your family well by setting an example.

Question 5 / 15

Man's life depends on his will: without will, it would be left to chance.

Question 6 / 15

A man who deprives another man of his freedom is a prisoner of hatred, prejudice and narrow-mindedness.

Question 7 / 15

When you bang your head against a pot and it rings hollow, it's not necessarily the pot that's empty.

Question 8 / 15

Don't judge me by my successes, judge me by the number of times I've fallen and gotten up again.

Question 9 / 15

True knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.

Question 10 / 15
I neither want nor reject anything absolutely, but I always consult the circumstances.

I neither want nor reject anything absolutely, but I always consult the circumstances.

Question 11 / 15
Demand a lot from yourself and expect little from others. That way, you'll be spared a lot of trouble.

Demand a lot from yourself and expect little from others. That way, you'll be spared a lot of trouble.

Question 12 / 15

Don't think yourself so important that others seem insignificant.

Question 13 / 15
What counts is not the individual but the collective.

What counts is not the individual but the collective.

Question 14 / 15
Learning without thinking is futile. To think without learning is dangerous.

Learning without thinking is futile. To think without learning is dangerous.

Question 15 / 15

Let freedom reign. For never has the sun set on a more glorious human achievement.

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